Terms of Use of Home Service Installers.com

When accessing this site, your use of its functionalities and information is bound by the terms and conditions set forth below. The site and its functions and services are World Wide Web services operated and maintained by VIP Response B.V., operating as Home Service Installers.com. Your use of this site certifies your agreement with the terms and conditions of stated below. If you do not consent to these terms, please exit the site and forego usage in the future. 




The conditions below form an agreement framework between you, the user, and Home Service Installers.com, concerning:

  1. Users
  2. Prohibited Use
  3. Creative Property
  4. User Privacy
  5. No Warranties
  6. Indemnification
  7. Export Control Laws
  8. Amendment to User Agreement
  9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
  10. Entire Agreement
  11. Links to Third-Party Sites, Advertisers and Promotions

1. Users

We permit the use of this site by individuals or business representatives alike. This site is intended for individuals of the age of majority, who are legally able to form binding contracts under applicable law, and your use of this site is your representation that you satisfy this requirement. For information about the use by identified minors, please see our privacy policy. Each user is solely responsible for his or her transmissions. 

2. Prohibited Use


a) You agree to use and interact with the site in a way that: 
 i. Is not prohibited by any law or regulation;
 ii. Does not invade the privacy of others;
 iii. Does not violate, plagiarize, or infringe on the intellectual property and contractual rights of any person in connection with any use of the site; 
 iv. Does not transmit unlawful, fraudulent, offensive, obscene, defamatory, abusive, threatening, discriminatory or otherwise objectionable material, or encourages conduct that would give rise to civil liability of any kind. 

b) You certify that you will not: 

i. Violate, or enable violations of, the security of this site, whether intentionally or otherwise;
 ii. Impersonate Home Service Installers.com or VIP Response B.V. personnel or other entities;
 iii. Intercept or expropriate any system, data, or information from this site; 
 iv. Resell, assign, or transfer any part of your right to use this site. 

c) You agree to provide true, accurate, and complete information about yourself when or if such an action is required for our services. You agree that you are solely responsible for all activities that occur during the process of submitting your personal information. You agree that VIP Response B.V. employees may have access to your personal information as reasonably necessary to investigate complants and maintain the site.  

3. Creative Property

 This site contains creative materials, including images, text, and videos, that are created, owned, and copyrighted by VIP Response B.V. You agree not to publish, modify, sell or otherwise transmit or exploit any of our creative materials without the express written permission of the owner of the rights to such materials. You agree not to remove any copyright, trademark, watermark, or other proprietary notice or legend contained on this site. 

Permission to use our materials can be sought via email: info@vipresponse.nl 

4. User Policy

 These terms and conditions incorporate our 
privacy policy by reference. Please review the privacy policy for an in-depth explanation of how your personal data is used, stored, and transferred to third parties.  

5. No Warranties

 a) The information and services included in or available through this site may include inaccuracies or errors. VIP Response B.V. reserve the right to make changes or improvements to the site without prior notice. We do not guarantee that access to or use of this site will be error-free or uninterrupted, that bugs or malfunctions will be corrected, or that the site and its servers are free of harmful components. We also do not guarantee that the services provided within this site, or offered by third parties, are accurate, without error, or reliable. 

b) You certify that VIP Response B.V. is not responsible or liable for any messages you receive, or any interactions you have with third parties through the use of this site, even if they are unlawful, harassing, libelous, privacy invading, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable, or infringe the intellectual property or other rights of another.

c) You acknowledge that VIP Response B.V. will not be responsible for any injuries or damages connected to the use of, or inability to use, this site. You are solely responsible for any and all information you submit or transmit using this site. VIP Response B.V. will not be responsible or liable for any product acquired or requested using this site, also not in the event that the service is provided by third parties through external links. 

d) This section, “5. No Warranties,” is a fundamental element of the basis of the bargain between you and VIP Response B.V.. You agree to accept the site as it is presented, and to use it at your own risk. VIP Response B.V. disclaims all warranties and guarantees, expressed or implied, as well as liability for any damages or injuries sustained to you through the use of this site, indirectly or directly. 

6. Indeminfication

 You agree that VIP Response B.V., its subsidiaries, and employees, will not be held responsible for any third-party claim, demand, warranty, or damage, including legal representation, arising out of your use of this site. 

7. Export Control Laws

 Export of any information from this Site is subject to all United States Export Control laws, as well as export control laws issued by the European Union. No content from this Site may be downloaded or otherwise exported in violation of these or any other laws.

8. Amendment to User Agreement

VIP Response B.V. reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time by updating the terms and conditions displayed on the site. The “current as of” date will indicate the most recent amendment. Your continued use of this site constitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions. 

9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

 These terms and conditions and all other aspects of your use of the site shall be governed by Dutch law, without regard to its conflicts of laws principles. The parties submit to the jurisdiction of, and agree that all claims and disputes arising out of, these terms and conditions, or your use of the site shall be submitted to and resolved by binding arbitration in The Netherlands and shall not be consolidated in any arbitration with any claim or controversy of any other party. Judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Either you or VIP Response B.V. may seek any interim or preliminary relief from a court of competent jurisdiction necessary to protect the rights or property of you or VIP Response B.V. pending the completion of arbitration.

10. Entire Agreement

These terms and conditions, and all materials incorporated by reference, constitute the entire understanding between you and us with respect to your rights and obligations as a user of our site. If any provision of these terms of use is held to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be struck and the remaining provisions shall be enforced. The failure by VIP Response B.V. to enforce any provision of these terms and conditions at any time is not a waiver of any provision or right. 

11. Links to Third-Party Sites, Advertisers, and Promotions

Links exist on this site that may allow you to leave this site and visit third-party domains. These third-party domains are not under VIP Response B.V.’s control, and we will not be liable for the contents, products, or services offered on any third-party sites, nor are we responsible for the functionality of the site. We provide external links strictly for your convenience and in order to make services and products available to you. 


Current as of: January 2023